
Let SimpleSAR get you qualified

The Simple way to secure Government Source Approval

Are you a Parts Manufacturer or Repair Provider looking for Government Source Approval?

The DoD wants to qualify you to produce or repair their parts.

$ 0 +
FY21 AFSC Federal Spend

Are you a Parts Manufacturer or Repair Provider looking for Government Source Approval?

The DoD wants to qualify you to produce or repair their parts.

$ 0 +
FY21 AFSC Federal Spend

Source Approval Request (SAR) challenges

Significant capital investment in company resources to develop SAR packages with no guarantee of acceptance

Long lead times to prepare bids on DoD work and potential to be excluded from bid process

Process compliance requires significant time, resources and development of specialized Skills

Meeting DoD SAR requirements is linked to company reputation and quality performance

Lack of package standards across agencies – multiple formats and differing requirements 

Cumbersome and complex review process described in unique DoD terminology and requirements

DoD source approval request process is significantly different and more cumbersome than FAA/OEM certification

Source Approval Request (SAR) challenges

Significant capital investment in company resources to develop SAR packages with no guarantee of acceptance

Long lead times to prepare bids on DoD work and potential to be excluded from bid process

Process compliance requires significant time, resources and development of specialized Skills

Meeting DoD SAR requirements is linked to company reputation and quality performance

Lack of package standards across agencies – multiple formats and differing requirements 

Cumbersome and complex review process described in unique DoD terminology and requirements

DoD source approval request process is significantly different and more cumbersome than FAA/OEM certification

SimpleSAR is the single source for all your Source Approval needs

One platform for all SAR related supporting certifications, submissions, clarifications, tracking, status, training, etc.

Provide SAR configuration management and allows users to be notified of SAR revisions and additional data inputs

Helps companies and the country win with more opportunity and higher availability of critical assets

why we created SimpleSAR

Secure, Compliant, Centralized

SimpleSAR is a secure .GOV cloud-based software platform used to:

Collaboratively manage your corporate SAR data in real time

Provide a workflow-driven, automated guide for SAR package creation

Quickly review and evaluate the completeness and quality of a SAR package

Access experienced Government SAR Subject Matter Experts to review submissions and support your SAR development process

Submit and manage the approval lifecycle of SAR packages, including any changes

Industry Outlook - USAF Sample Data

Let your use of SimpleSAR augment your business through expedited, lower cost SAR package development and positioning you to compete for new DoD business.

In FY21 AFSC Awarded

Part & Repair contracts
Small Businesses


A Source Approval Request (SAR) package contains all of the technical and non-technical data needed to demonstrate that the prospective contractor can competently manufacture/repair a given Part Number/National Stock Number (NSN) (Part, Component, Assy) to a safe condition.  The SAR package proves the prospective contractor will be complying with stringent quality processes that will meet the Requirements and Specifications called out for these components and/or next higher assemblies. The SAR submitted for evaluation should be in accordance with the SAR Qualification Requirements.

Anyone interested in manufacturing and/or repairing parts for the government which are coded as complex and critical in nature and require SAR approval.  The SAR approval deems a company Technically Acceptable in a DoD Proposal.  

It varies, but typically this process can take months, if not years, especially if you are not experienced at developing SAR packages.

Absolutely!  If you are currently doing work for commercial aircraft, why not get qualified for the same part(s)/component(s) and provide those services to the DoD.

Manufacturers or repair stations looking to do business with the DoD.   Organizations doing Reverse Engineering Manufacturing and Repair Stations doing PMA/DER today looking to expand their business within the DoD.  

All you will need to do is provide the SimpleSAR SME team with your company information/certifications and our team will train you and also prepare a CP for DoD approval. 

We understand that you are using sensitive information to become DoD SAR approved.   SimpleSAR is a .GOV cloud-based platform compliant to the latest NIST standards. Your data is safe.  We will protect your Company IP data, including DoD ITAR/Export controlled data.

SimpleSAR is perfect for organizations like you, that are getting ready to capitalize on the billions of dollars of sustainment funding available through the different DoD agencies.  SimpleSAR will allow you to create and submit your company profile, and prepare the necessary information to be poised to quickly react to DoD solicitations that meet your capabilities in the future.  Eliminate the time it takes to get the critical first steps accomplished by doing it now, positioning you to quickly respond to any bids in the future.

Secure Government Source Approval!